Heather Baxter // HB Ministries
​The purposes of a person's heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. Proverbs 20:5
Setting Divinely Inspired Goals
Using the Power of Questions to Stimulate the Transformation Process
Performing the Basic Skills of Christian Coaching
Structuring the Coaching Session yet leaving room for the Holy Spirit
Hearing the Voice of God Clearly & Walking in the Spirit
Using Spiritual Disciplines to Stay Spiritually Sharp
Severing Ungodly Ties, Negative Expectations & Inner Vows
Transforming Lives through Inner Healing & Renewing the Mind
Discovering & Understanding Your DESIGN
...and more
Are You Ready to Get Unstuck?
There's a reason you found this site.
There's a reason you're reading these words.
Something led you here and now it's your choice whether or not to take the next step, get the support you need, and change your life.
You have 2 options:
- Fumble around for the next 5-10 yrs trying to figure it out for yourself
- Take action, get to work, and become fearless so you can finally do what you're meant to be doing in this world
If you are ready- - -book a FREE Discovery call and let's talk.
Basic Boutique Session: $95 an hour
By phone, in person or facetime. Heather will help you put together a vision and spiritual foundation goals for your life and the specific season you want to focus on. She will help you identify & implement a positive habit/routine that will help and strengthen you as we move toward targeted goals. You can buy per session or in group packages listed below!
1 | minute session
ZOE Program: 750.00 for 10 sessions!
​The Zoe Program encourages women to prayerfully learn to explore, embrace and engage in Gods work through their lives. We do the Dream Out Loud course one on one. Consultation session is FREE. We will build and bring about clarity and vision for your future. We will decide on the best material to work through in the consultation session.
$250.00 Great savings for an interactive program
10 |
minute sessions
minute sessions
"YOUR CALL" Program: 500.00 for 5 sessions
This is best for client who desires to meet weekly and begin a process to determine what steps to take in moving forward. For 5 weeks for 60-75 min sessions we will identify obstacles, zoom in on a solution and vision for immediate growth, peace and focus. Homework provided for focus. We will determine best program notes after we consult. Contact and availability during the week if needed via texting.
"NEXT LEVEL" Program: 400.00 for 4 weekly discussions on our current study
This is best for client who is eager to be discipled in the word one on one.
So ask yourself...
Are you ready to set bigger spiritual goals,
Are you ready to finally have the custom coaching you need with a biblical foundation?
Are you ready to have someone you can ask questions and get advice from when you need it?
Are you ready to share your gifts and talents in a bigger way and want help and encouragement to make it happen?